I often marvel at our general tolerance of the negative habits in our lives. Self-destructive behaviors include chronic overeating, drugs, alcohol, compulsive shopping, gambling, pornography...and/or basically any other compulsive behavior that wrecks our health, wealth, relationships or happiness. Why don't we change? A few reasons come to mind: we don't realize we actually
can change; we actually
like living in chaos and insanity; we lack the energy or motivation to change; or we believe that we are completely trapped by our behaviors. I propose, however, that we all possess the necessary tools for change. We can get help.
For years I struggled with my emotions. I would vent (and vent, and vent) to my family and friends (I'm sure they were totally sick of me and my problems), but the venting really didn't accomplish much in the long run. I read millions of self-help books. I asked for prayer over and over again. I had so many inner healing sessions I should be given an honorary PhD in Inner Healing :) After all that, I was still an emotional wreck. So then I went to a 12-step Overcomers Anonymous group for a few weeks. Unfortunately, this particular group really didn't want to overcome anything, so my membership was short-lived. Then I went to a counselor for awhile, but she was into New Age philosophy, plus she kept telling me I was tense. Duh. FINALLY I went to my family doctor, and he very wisely suggested I might have a genetically low seratonin problem and prescribed anti-depressants. Viola! I became a new woman, and the past six years have been the most emotionally stable years of my life, thank-you Jesus!

The whole point of recounting my journey is to make a strong case for proactivity in our lives. We can continue in our same ruts and somehow expect miraculous change (which indicates insanity, according to Dr. Phil), or we can look for and try different solutions to our problems. We don't NEED to suffer from self-sabotaging behaviors, but overcoming them requires work and commitment. We can be passive and unhealthy, or we can be proactive and agents of positive change. I truly believe in doing WHATEVER it takes to confront and kill a behavior that is robbing me of health and peace. And I also KNOW that I am not alone...Christ died to SAVE me from my sins...that means I am not helpless against them. "I can do ALL things through Christ, who strengthens me," Philippians 4:13, and:"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us," Hebrews 12:1. We CAN "
get 'er done," and live the full life we were created to live.
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