I want to manage my time, I really do, so that I can keep my life/house/relationships in order. I am not a huge slob. My house is almost always picked up. I'm not a collector (except for scrapbook memorabilia, and that's stuffed in boxes in the cubby under my stairs). BUT my house needs some TLC-it's dusty and needs a thorough spring cleaning, which slides into fall, and then the next spring, and so on. I need to declutter some cupboards and closets, but mainly, I have lots of fix-er-up projects I want to do...and they sit on the back burner endlessly. So, thinking about all this motivates me to implement new habits to get 'er done...that is, until I start googling resources and butt up against such suggestions as: 1. track all your time (boo) 2. If you think of something and it takes under two minutes, do it right away. But I don't just think of ONE thing-so the twenty-something things I think of will actually take 40 minutes or so, so this one doesn't work out. 3. Get up an hour earlier. Nah. I NEED my beauty rest! 4. Track the "time bandits" (such as Facebook, texting, surfing the net...) But these things are more fun than chores and stuff! And so on. I basically realized that I don't want to CHANGE...I want to wave a magic wand and have things magically get done so I can focus on the stuff I like: my grandkids, writing, walking my dogs, outdoor rec, reading, knitting, facebook...fun stuff! So I conducted a Facebook (of course) poll of my friends who ARE good managers of time and household to get some tips I might like better than the above ones: 1) Set aside one night a week for cleaning. This is a good idea, except for those whose weekly schedule varies so much: I also have commitments four nights a week, plus grandkids on one or two others, which varies week to week. BUT if I really am committed, I just need to be flexible and choose to clean on whatever night I'm home and without grandkids (assuming I'm not exhausted, of course :) 2. Use flylady.net as a resource. I really like her suggestions, and she has helped tons of people, but somehow I don't get around to her suggestions, except for the shiny kitchen sink. I have done that for years, ever since I first found her website! 3. Fill sink with hot soapy water and do up dishes as you cook. Good plan. I don't procrastinate dishes much, so not a big problem with me. 4. (My favorite) My sister-in-law said that even "cleanies" don't have it all together! Ha ha! So I need to stop thinking they do. I'm going with number 4., thank-you very much!
Once again, I realize it boils down to I think I want to change, but am not very committed to the process. Which means one of two things: 1) I'm actually happy with the way things are, but just feel like I SHOULD change, or 2) My current condition isn't painful enough to force me to change.
Sigh...once again, I am my own worst enemy. On the bright side, I found a couple of great quotes today:
"The birds are molting. If only man could molt also - his mind once a year its errors, his heart once a year its useless passions." ~James Allen
The only difference between a rut and a grave is their dimensions. ~Ellen Glasgow
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