As I sat waiting for my eye appointment today, pupils dialated to the size of quarters, I happened upon a great article in Reader's Digest called something like "14 things the experts wish we would all do," as near as I can remember. I will try and recall as many as I can:
1. drink coffee...the antioxidants prevent strokes and help against!
2. Eat orange veggies for skin bronzing...ones high in beta carotene such as carrots, tomatoes, yams...I think the eyes turn yellow too though...not so super attractive!
3. Sunlight in the am is way less damaging to skin than afternoon rays, because our skin in the morning is more resistant to UV rays.
4. Eat protein in the morning for weight loss-I guess if you don't, the body compensates by getting hungry earlier after breakfast and craves crud: the expert recommended high protein chia seeds, which I had never heard of...apparently you can get them at health food stores. I guess they're good soaked and mixed with blueberries. Also greek yogurt and eggs are good sources.
5. Eat Quinoa...a magic food apparently. I have never eaten this either.
6. Go to bed early and get up early. People who do this eat less and thus keep trimmer than night owls. Don't get more than half your sleep after 5am, and don't eat after 8pm. I guess those who work graveyard shift are screwed.
7. Wear blue lens glasses if you are watching TV or at a computer screen at night before bed. Apparently unfiltered emmissions from both stimulate our brains and keep us awake. Where the heck do you buy blue lens glasses-and how will they work over regular glasses?
8. Eat chocolate in the morning-wakes one up with a caffeine-like substance but doesn't have the caffeine crash later. I can dig it!
9. Take lots of standing/walking breaks a little as a one minute stand/walk every hour at a sedentary job helps tons with weight loss.
10. Cool your head off before bed. Not by sticking it in the freezer (too many tempting ice cream treats) but by going to bed in a cool bedroom and having lots of covers...keep your head out. Or take a hot bath 30 minutes before bed and your body will naturally cool your head??? This will promote sound sleep, apparently. Sounds hokey, but who knows?
11. Walk 45 minutes a day, 3 times a week. Tons of health/weight loss benefits, even if it's at a slow pace. Now that I it gives me time to THINK!
12. The 20 second rule. Apparently we procrastinate mostly because of the 20 seconds it takes to begin a project. If we make that 20 seconds easy or eliminate the inertia, we will get lots more done. For example, if we want to exercise first thing in the morning, we should set our workout clothes by our bed at night, or if we need to write thank-you's, keep a stack of thank-you notes on our desk so we easily can send one or two. Not sure how this relates to health...maybe procrastination causes stress and this will alleviate said stress?
These are all I remember, but I thought they were interesting...I plan on trying the Chia seeds and Quinoa...could always use more protein at breakfast, but if they taste like crap, I will default to waffles...
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