I've always been fascinated by personality typing. Whether it's Myers-Briggs, Galen, DiSC, Enneagram, Hippocrates, Keirsey, or even the Smalley-Trent Animal classifications; I LOVE figuring out what makes people tick! I know some party poopers are annoyed by this, belittling such narrow "pigeon holing," but really, I believe in the useful exercise of personality classification. In fact, the state organization I work for holds leadership training courses, and one aspect of that training uses the Myers-Briggs personality assessment to train leaders to understand their own personalities and work with other "types."

My personal favorite classification array, I, (ahem!), "invented." I borrowed Disney's Winnie-the-Pooh characters and matched them with the Galen system of personalities, which are derived from Hippocrates four temperments or "humors" based on BODY FLUIDS, of all nasty things. Very interesting if you want to google it :) Anyway, back to Winnie-the-Pooh...the
phlegmatic or kind, laid back one is Pooh, of course, the
sanguine or social, happy performer corresponds with Tigger, Rabbit is the get 'er done, at times overbearing,
choleric leader, and Eeyore the thoughtful,creative, if sometimes despondant,
melancholy type. One year when I was a church youth group leader, I gave a talk on these Pooh-erific personality types, administered a test to the kids, and then gave them all stickers of their character to wear. We had fun with it, and hopefully they learned a bit about understanding themselves and others.
WHY is this stuff good to know? I'm glad you asked! We spend much of our life in conflict of some sort-whether it's internal irritation or full blown, knock-down, drag-outs-in many of our relationships. Some days it's an overbearing boss, manipulative friend, or rude customer irking the snot out of us, other days our rebellious teen, needy sister, or offended spouse ticks us off. We all must interact with people, usually on a daily basis, unless of course you're lucky enough to be a rich and weird hermit.
So comprehending that there exists more than one way of looking at the world can help us better smooth the edges of personality clashes and potential conflicts. For instance, my husband is sort of a blend of Rabbit and Eeyore, and I have to remind myself not to take his bossiness and "glass half full" mentality (or maybe even completely empty!) personally. I am a Rabbit/Tigger blend. I love to have fun, but if there isn't anyone in charge, I'll grab the reins, not always to everyone's delight, unfortunately!
We are not wired wrong, BUT neither are the folks in our lives. We can understand and accept ourselves, but also expand to accept the bent of another person, especially our children, and not try to force them into the same mold we came out of. Remember, variety is the spice of life...say that to yourself whenever someone else's weirdness nearly sends you over the edge. :)
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